Katie Castillo-Wilson
TapOnIt Founder + CEO

For brands considering adding MMS messaging to their marketing strategy, we’re here to ask: what’s holding you back?
For us (and our clearly biased opinion), it’s a no brainer. The open rate for text messages is 98-99%(90% of those are opened within the first three minutes of receiving the text). Our database at TapOnIt Deals boasts an 86% survivability rate after 12 months, which is huge considering 70% of apps are deleted within the first day. Despite these proof points, there are some common challenges all brands will face when implementing a text message marketing platform. Luckily, TapOnIt Tech has the answers.
How does my brand get customers to opt in?
It’s not as easy as it sounds. The text message space is well-regulated. A brand can’t just buy a list or start shooting off text messages to individuals because you have their cell phone number. Our answer is always the same—start small and start with what you already have.
Perhaps that’s an email database or a Facebook following. But begin with the customers you have an existing relationship with and simply ask them to sign up. Once a customer has opted in, a brand is then able to ask for more information and build a profile around a customer. Coined first-party data, this permission-based method of data collection enables the user to provide their information directly to the brand.
How do we encourage customers to share information?
People are protective of their personal information. Not everyone is comfortable sharing their birth date or their marital status. For brands, this means they need to get a bit more intentional about the questions they are asking. Do you really need to know how old your customer is, or is it just as helpful to learn that a customer is in their 30s or 40s? Pay attention to phrasing to increase the likelihood the customer will provide you with information.
We know what you’re thinking—it sounds like a lot of work. However, because the information is coming directly from the source, it’s more powerful, more accurate and much more useful to your brand than anything that could be provided by third-party sources.
Not only is permission-based data collection accurate, it also provides your brand with a solid base with which to expand into a full customer profile. Brands be warned: this will take time. At TapOnIt Deals, we found sweepstakes—like a Colorado getaway or a V.I.P. meet-and-greet session with Chris Hemsworth—can prompt customers to provide information via a submission form. There are many different ways to get people to share information with you; it comes down to finding the right way to gather data for the type of database you have.
We have the information, now what?
So your brand has gotten the customers to opt in and has carefully asked questions to collect customer data, the next step is that first text. While it’s challenging to get customers to opt in, all it takes is a quick text reply of “STOP” to opt out. If the first message they received from your brand via text isn’t awesome, the chances of the customer opting out will be significantly higher. The customer already knows to expect the text from your brand, so focus on quality.
Equally important as a quality first message is the manner and frequency of texts. Be clear with your customers in the type of content they will be receiving, and make sure you hit all the targets you’ve outlined. If consumers only expect four texts a month—do that! It seems like such a simple concept, but it helps build trust with customers. If customers trust your brand, they are less likely to churn and the likelihood of establishing a meaningful, lasting relationship with them increases.
At TapOnIt, we think beyond the text message; we’re focused on conversion.