Remember our blog about Using Data + Analytics to Boost Your Ad Performance? Check out this first-hand example of how our sister company, TapOnIt Deals, uses data and analytics to not only boost ad performance but understand their users better.
TapOnIt Deals was the first client of TapOnIt because it was the business idea that inspired the technology! TapOnIt Deals texts out local offers to subscribers in different markets based on where they’re located. These subscribers get great local deals sent straight to their phones, and local businesses get a boost in foot traffic through their doors.
How TapOnIt Deals gets user data.
1. Collecting personal data from its subscribers, like a zip code when they sign up for the service. Along with signing up with a zip code, there is also the option to complete a profile, filling out additional fields such as age and gender. Contests and surveys encourage to sign up, which also requires further information about the consumer’s demographics.
2. Data is tracked through button clicks in offers sent out via text. The number of times an offer is shared, redeemed, and viewed are all data points TapOnIt Deals collects. TapOnIt Deals also compiles the data from past offers on the platform for ease of comparison.
Data helps TapOnIt Deals understand who the consumers are.
When a business knows their users better, they’re able to personalize the marketing they send out, meaning better conversions and ROI on their tactics.
Suppose TapOnIt Deals notices their users favor deals from restaurants. In that case, they get more restaurants to advertise with them and send users interested in restaurants more offers related to dining out. If TapOnIt Deals saw a spike of subscribers in a new zip code, they could target that zip code for new businesses. It’s a win-win!
Data makes it clear what offers work well.
Which means more wins for the users and the businesses. When an offer does well, it’s evident in the data that TapOnIt Deals tracks. TapOnIt Deals can tell the offer is doing well by looking at data like button clicks on redemptions, shares, and custom button clicks.
Just because the data shows a high number of clicks on buttons doesn’t necessarily mean success, but there’s a lot to be learned after taking a closer look! Every point of data collected from an offer creates a story. For example, an offer may show a high number of clicks on the share button but low clicks on the redemption button. That could mean that the offer was engaging enough for the customer to share but not appealing for them to redeem it themself. Sharing the offer with a friend helps spread the word about TapOnIt Deals, but the goal of an offer is redemptions. This information shows an opportunity to change the offer for next time and create something redemption worthy. It’s always good to test out different content. You never know what might work (or what won’t), but it’s all good knowledge to learn from.
The more often a business runs with TapOnIt, the more data they have to compare. This information helps them determine what types of offers perform best amongst users. Thanks to data analytics, TapOnIt Deals has learned what kinds of offers work the best in different industries, making every offer more likely to be a success!
It worked for TapOnIt Deals! Here’s what our text platform can do for you:
- Personalize your campaigns with our audience manager, using features like segmenting and targeting to reach the right audience.
- Send up to nine unique images or an animated GIF.
- Get up to 99% open rates.
- Track each campaign, including text opens, shares, button clicks, link click, and conversions
- Analyze with our robust reporting