
Text Savvy: Text Message Marketing for Retail

Oct 19, 2021

Phone with Data and Analytics - Boost Digital Ad Performance

All retailers, especially small businesses, are feeling the pressure to keep up with their competitors. That’s where TapOnIt comes in. Whether your business is strictly e-commerce or brick-and-mortar, we’re ready to take some of that pressure off your shoulders. Our text-message platform has been a great asset for the small businesses we work with, and we’ve been keeping up to date with current trends in digital marketing to get your products in front of the most eyes possible. 

Get #TextSavvy with us!

TapOnIt started in 2015 to help small businesses take advantage of text messaging’s 99% open rate. Since then, we’ve worked with companies to promote their content, share promotions, increase sales, and generate authentic growth in their audiences in-store and online. Red’s Threads, an athleisure boutique, uses our texting platform to inform customers about hot new arrivals, community yoga classes, ongoing sales, and exclusive coupons. Red’s Threads’ text messages are viewed multiple times by subscribers (an average of 4 times per text!) and boost engagement at the store across the board. TapOnIt also provides detailed user data for businesses, so a company like Red’s Threads can target groups within their text club and share personalized advertising with them. 

“The team at TapOnIt makes it quick and easy to create an ad that’s effective and intriguing to a broader audience that requires little to no work on my end.”

– Nora, Owner of Red’s Threads

Wallace’s Garden Center, a single-location garden center that also sells trendy home decor and furniture, has been taking advantage of TapOnIt’s texting platform since 2016. Owner Kate Terrell uses TapOnIt as an alternative to her annual calendars. Instead of printing expensive physical media, she now uses our MMS capabilities to share deals, events, recipes, and much more. In 2020, Wallace’s saw a 14x return on investment, 25% yearly growth in their text database, 15% revenue from texting alone, and 16% growth from customers sharing texts among themselves. To finish the year out strong, Wallace’s shared an offer for a free Christmas cactus or cyclamen plant with a purchase of $5 or more—this offer was redeemed nearly six hundred times. This offer was able to generate $32,000 in additional revenue. Needless to say, Wallace’s Garden Center was able to see a significant amount of growth with the help of TapOnIt’s texting platform and was able to generate a ton of sales with just one coupon. Check out the Wallace’s Garden Center case study here.

“It’s pretty amazing that as a single location garden center, we have grown our database to over 12,000 people, and we continue to see growth each year.”

– Kate Terrell, Owner of Wallace’s Garden Center

Getting #TextSavvy isn’t just about learning how to use texts, it’s about incorporating text into your broader marketing strategy. At TapOnIt, we’re brimming with ideas on how texting can drive growth and integrate within your existing marketing plans—we’ll help you get your ideas off the ground and provide the support your business needs.

Ready to learn more?

TapOnIt is here to provide advice and support on implementing this at every stage in the process; schedule a demo or chat with our team, and we can get you started!