
Using Shopify + Text to Increase Conversions

Apr 30, 2021

Katie Castillo-Wilson

Brittney Carstens

Director of Client Strategy

Shopify Integration

Staying top of mind with customers is a constant battle regardless of the industry your business is in.

It happens to all of us as consumers. One minute we’re adding things to our online cart, and the next we’re off doing something else forgetting all about it. There are endless reasons why someone might abandon check out – my Netflix show had a plot twist, my husband “couldn’t find something”, I got a phone call, I want to think about it more before I buy. Whatever the reason may be, it shows us that it’s essential for e-commerce brands to stay top of mind. Whether that be reminding them of a pair of summer sandals they left in their cart, or by using hyper-personalized data to offer suggestions on what they might be interested in.

So how do you do this in a world cluttered by advertising? Brands are competing for customer’s attention everywhere you turn. Right now most of us have at least 50 unread emails from brands in their email box they haven’t read (and probably won’t), but they have zero unread text messages. You’re probably thinking “okay, so what? What does that mean?”. It means that there’s a more direct way for your brand to be seen.

Text messages have a 99% open rate. Text marketing gets businesses in front of customers who have opted-in. This makes them more engaged and interactive with your brand. At TapOnIt we don’t do just a black and white SMS text bubble – because that’s just boring. People are visual, text them a picture of that pair of summer sandals and remind them how cute they are and that they just HAVE to have them.

Our integration with Shopify gives e-commerce brands the ability to remind people about the items left in their cart, offer a few outfit options that will match – and send personalized offers and content they can share with their friends to help the consumer snag a deal while helping the brand grow organically with exposure from sharing.

Our team is committed to making the onboarding experience as simple as possible to help you curate a marketing strategy that matches exactly what your brand and your customers want.