
Why Include Links in Your Business Text Messaging Strategy?

Aug 1, 2022

Why Include Links in Your Business Text Messaging Strategy by TapOnI

Rely on TapOnIt’s SMS & MMS Marketing 

How many times have you heard the expression “It’s a jungle out there”? Brands are constantly competing in the same crowded customer space. Survival of the fittest dictates that you must be willing to adapt to changing consumer needs, or you run the risk of going extinct. Since 2020, the use of text message marketing has been on the rise. Most consumers prefer receiving short, customized texts from their favorite brands instead of spam-riddled, long-winded emails or phone calls. That’s because they’re already spending more time on their cell phones and texts feel less invasive. With an engaged audience already in place, you can’t ignore the power of SMS and MMS marketing. Not including links in your business text messaging is a costly mistake you can’t afford to make. 

How Are Text-Savvy Businesses Using Links in Marketing?

No matter your industry, businesses of all sizes and types benefit from SMS (Short Message Service) and MMS (Multimedia Message Service) marketing. Maximize the effectiveness of your business text messaging strategy by taking the time to educate yourself about the importance of linking. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. It doesn’t take long to read and reply to a text. Most texts (about 98%) are read immediately. Texts make getting information speedy and convenient. People no longer have to consult thick, dust-covered encyclopedias or wait for websites to download using an agonizingly slow dial-up Internet connection. Smartphones allow people to access information at their fingertips. Including links in your texts not only encourages more engagement with your brand but also makes your company feel more responsive. Brands utilize links in text messaging in various ways, including:

  • Sales Promotions – The next time you have a special sale or promotion, try including a coupon redemption link in your texts. We can include in-store and online redemption codes.
  • Surveys – If you value customer feedback, try including a link for people to submit a business review or complete a survey in your texts. Input directly from the source is the most reliable.
  • Content Hubs – This is easily the most robust option due to its in-depth tracking features and simple user experience. Including a link to a TapOnIt Content Hub allows you to showcase multiple pieces of content in one place without interrupting the consumer’s experience. Sending a customer exactly what was referenced in the text they received is more likely to result in a conversion. 
  • App Downloads – Including a link to an app can help you use texts to drive app engagement and deliver a better user experience. Deferred Deep Linking puts links directly in the hands of your customers, driving traffic and engagement. You can either send them to an app store to download the required app for the link or to a Content Hub to view the desired content without forcing them to download the app.

What About Hyperlinks? Aren’t They the Same Thing? 

Not exactly. For starters, hyperlinks can’t be incorporated into a text message. Until modern SMS apps allow for this, you’ll need to stick with tried-and-true standalone links. Both links and hyperlinks direct you to specific websites when clicked. However, hyperlinks are activated by clicking on highlighted words (such as “click here”). Links aren’t embedded into the text, but they still allow users to view another webpage. Since they’re not embedded, links can shorten the URL length without impacting their ability to redirect to the desired webpage. Wondering why you’d want to shorten a link? It’s because SMS and MMS marketing have character limits (160 for SMS and 1,600 for MMS). Even without a limit in mind, using fewer characters makes your texts easier to read and more enticing for your customers. 

Mobile marketing also uses Deferred Deep Linking to deliver a seamless user experience. Including a link to an app in your text messaging can drive app engagement without disrupting the consumer journey. If the customer has downloaded the app on their phone, a Deferred Mobile Deep Link opens the content automatically in the app. If they don’t have the app, the link directs them to their phone’s app store to download the app before viewing the content.

Need a Leg Up On Links? Consult the TapOnIt Team!

Including links in your text marketing messages is a breeze with TapOnIt. Our text messaging platform allows you to type in the URL and convert it into a compatible link. You’ll also be able to track your texts in real-time to determine open and click-through rates to see how well customers are interacting with your texts. Partnering with us allows you to take SMS and MMS marketing to the next level with enhanced text and social sharing capabilities, robust reporting and analytics, and experienced Client Support Specialists ready to assist you. Our browser-based software requires no apps to download to help you enhance your overall customer experience. Taking advantage of our innovative solutions also lets you build a first-party database with accurate, relevant information directly from your customers so you can make informed decisions about campaign spending and more. 

Tap Into the Potential of Including Text Message Links Today

We’ll guide you through the benefits of text message marketing from TapOnIt once you contact our team. We’d be happy to create a customized SMS and MMS marketing solution just for you. You may also view our case studies to see how other brands have utilized our unique platform to drive customer traffic, brand awareness, sales, and more. Tap into the potential of text message marketing with TapOnIt today!